readings legend of less obvious acronyms pd: spirituality things im currently reading (cs) structure and interpretation of computer programs (cs) (math) cantor minimal systems (ml) short text topic modeling techniques, applications, and performance: a survey (ml) cramming: training a language model on a single gpu in one day (pd) salzberg: loving-kindness: the revolutionary art of happiness (pd) thich nhat hanh: the miracle of mindfulness things i want to read (cs) designing data intensive applications (cs) computer systems: a programmer’s perspective (math) introduction to the modern theory of dynamical systems things i have read (pd) kornfield: a path with heart (pd) bhagavad gita (pd) some of the upanishads (pd) mastering the core teachings of the buddha artin: abstract algebra linear algebra rotman: advanced linear algebra silverman: rational points on elliptic curves hartshorne: algebraic geometry (first 3 chapters) shafarevich: basic algebraic geometry spivak: calculus on manifolds stein, shakarchi - complex analysis atiyah, macdonald - commutative algebra humphreys - introduction to lie algebras and representation theory rotman - homological algebra brin, stuck - introduction to dynamical systems neukirch - algebraic number theory